
Empowering Indiviuals in Health and Social Care

20 Pages 5090 Words November 2014


The first legislation I am going to discuss is the ˜Human Rights Act 1998.' This act came into force within the United Kingdom in October 2000 and includes the basic rights of a human being. It is a UK Law that allows human beings to defend their rights in the UK courts and that public organisations treat all individuals equally, with fairness, dignity and respect. The rights within this law are based on articles of the European Convention on human rights and are relevant in our day-to-day life. They protect our freedom to control our own lives, effectively take part in decisions made by public authorities which impact upon your rights and get fair and equal services from public authorities. The human rights act includes quite a number of rights, such as the right to life, education and the right to marry and start a family. (See appendix 1)

However Legislation requires services to have policies and procedures in specific areas which can be shown through the complaints policy within my work placement. This policy promotes the rights of each service user as it ensures each individual the right to complain and openly speak about the quality of care they receive. It also empowers service users in that it helps them to understand why certain things happen.

The Care Standards Act also empowers service users as it introduced the Care Standards Commission, who where responsible for arranging inspections and the publication of National Minimum Standards. One of the main strengths of this Act is that it is inclusive, having been developed in partnership with health professionals, patients, carers, health managers and voluntary agencies. It was passed in July 2000. It aims at extending the regulation of social care and makes sure that the care of vulnerable people, in different types of supported housing is properly regulated in order to improve care standards and introduce consistency in the regulation of services provided. It is vital...

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