
Personal Narrative - Science of Fear

14 Pages 3614 Words July 2015

tting lost in the woods relates to a church getting lost in their society. But that doesn’t have to be a death sentence. So let’s talk a little about it in the next three articles. Let’s talk about that path to becoming a survivor to becoming one that thrives. We’ll divide the next three articles into three parts: Find yourself, Grow yourself, Change yourself
So, what does the company Xerox, being lost in the woods and future church growth have in common? Let’s find out as we learn about Finding Yourself.
It’s remarkably easy to get lost, and there are so many ways it can happen. I remember getting ready for my first Triathlon. Granted it was a humble effort as far as they go. Sprint triathlons are the, “baby,” of the genre. Typically a kilometer swim (or less), 20k bike ride, and a 5 k run. Still, it was the longest distance I have ever attempted.
Probably the most daunting element of a Tri is the initial swim. It’s what keeps most who refuse to attempt one away. One in relatively good shape can bully through the bike and the run, but unless you are a functional swimmer, this style of racing is just not practical. And for some, this is what makes the concept terrifying.
It is not uncommon to make a local race more accessible and appealing to have the swim portion both shortened and done in a comfortable, controlled environment of a swimming pool. However, as a half decent swimmer, that took the romance out of the experience for me. If I was going to do this, I was going to do it, “right”! Doing it right, for me anyways, meant an open water swim.
The problem was in training. As a naturally cautious person, I was wasn’t up for solo swims out into open water for training purposes. Living in southern Florida at the time, open water meant 2options: Shark-infested oceans or alligator-infested lakes. Neither was anything that seemed too appealing. I didn’t have a training partner nor did I have someone ...

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