
The Early Film Industry

8 Pages 1934 Words August 2015

mass of artificial flowers with which to trim a hat. She stated that she had taken the flowers because she was afraid of losing the attention of a young man. (pg. 80)” That man was the only man that ever took her to movies and if he doesn’t see him, she will be heartbroken and couldn’t go to the theater ever again. She cannot live without the theater. This example shows how films affected children’s mind causing them do illegal actions instead of having common sense. That girl could have gone to the theater with a different guy instead of being so obsessive with that one guy, but movies taught her that she needs to keep that one guy by being all “dressy” and giving him attention. Another example story that Addams wrote that had to do with children committing crimes was about how a family of a women, two boys, and a baby are in poverty where the mother sends her boys out to beg for money. They didn’t listen to their mother, took a revolver, killed a Chinese laundry-man, stole money from him, and gave the money to the mother where she was thankful (79). Addams also mentioned a story were nine, eleven, and thirteen years old boys planned to kill and rob a milkman. They bought a gun tried to shoot him, but they missed. Not only young boys were causing illegal actions. Older boys were also doing it too. For example, “ Thirteen young lads were brought into Municipal Courteach one with an outfit of burglar’s tools in his possession” (...

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