
Odysseus and Epic Heroes

9 Pages 2128 Words December 2014

courage or ability.  A hero is also courageous and resilient. According to the dictionary a resilient person is able to recover quickly from setbacks and posses ambition and determination. The definition of courage is, "The quality of being brave: the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear,  (Webster Ditionary) . Dr. Lickerman who is a reliable source with medical training, shares a story about a hero to provide an example of heroism in his article. Dr. Lickerman provides the example of a patient who donates a kidney to help his brother who is struggling with AIDS. Dr. Lickerman states that his patient knew that his brother would die even if he had a new kidney but it would help increase his brother's quality of life .. Soon after his own kidney began to fail. There was a lot of uncertainty around the effectiveness of the kidney transplant. This patient also faced a dangerous situation that without one of your kidneys it is common knowledge that the other one will have to work harder and put the body at risk. This patient took all of these risks to save another. Just like the definition of courage, he gave him his kidney anyway overcoming all of the risks and fears to save another while compromising himself. After his brother's death and after he learned about his own health issues he simply said " thats how it goes.  It is truly amazing that through all of his self sacrifice for another and the setback of kidney failure that has caused him to go on disability that he never complains about his situation, this is the most accurate example of resiliency. "...Heros are all around us Single mothers who deny themselves clothes, and even food to send their children to College, Couples who become foster parents , children who put careers on hold t...

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